This course has been developed by (Dr Sushama Talegaonkar.,Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi).The Pi of this subject is (Prof.Arun Nanda Professor and Dean, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Deartment of
Pharmaceutical sciences, MDU, Rohtak -124001, Haryana)and team members/content
writers are (Harish Dureja, (M. D. University, Rohtak) || Sushama Talegaonkar,
(Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi) || Saima Amin, (Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi) || Anil K
Sharma, (Deptt. of Pharmaceutics, DIPSAR, New Delhi-17) || Satish Manchanda,
(.) || Vikas Rana, (.) || Honey ., (.) || Sanyog Jain, (NIPER Mohali,
Chandigarh) || Showkat R. Mir, (Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi)).This course is being
offered/adopted by this university