This course has been developed by (Dr M.P. Punia .,BITS, Jaipur).The Pi of this subject is (Prof. R.S. Sangwan Professor, M D University, Rohtak)and team members/contenr writers are (Kumari
Anamika, (.) || J. S. Rawat, (.) || Nimra Memon, (.) || Swati Katiyar, (.) ||
Kaushal Panwar, (.) || aif Said, (Department of Civil Engineering, AMU Aligarh) || M.P. Punia,
(BITS, Jaipur) || Seema Mehra Parihar , (.) || Masood Ahsan Siddiqui,(Department
of Geography, Jamia Millia Islamia)).This course is being offered/adopted by
this university